Sunday, October 25, 2009

Things That Make You Go Hmmm...

These are things I wonder about as I travel around:

1) Why can't you use your cell phone before take off, but can use it upon landing?

2) Why can you use your cell phone upon landing, but not your computer?

3) Why can something that I buy at Radio Shack for $22 wreck an airplane?

4) Why does what I bought at Radio Shack for $22 cost $55 at the airport?

5) Why are some airplane seats flotation devices, but not all?

6) Why will the oxygen bag not fully inflate?  Won't you want all the oxygen you can get?!?

7) Why will 5 agents stand around talking to each other, but insist I use a kiosk?

8) Why can the kiosk at the ticket counter make more changes to my ticket than those 5 ticket agents can?

9) Why do you have to take your shoes off in the USA, but in no other country? 

10) Why can't I bring in a 12 oz bottle of water, but I can bring in four 3 oz bottles of water?

1 comment:

  1. haha these are all so true!!! You should post these on Facebook... I am sure these would go viral.:)
