Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Vehicular Narcolepsy

(Of the root words: Vehicle: (vē'ĭ-kəl) any means in or by which someone travels. And Narcolepsy: (när'kə-lěp'sē) A disorder characterized by sudden and uncontrollable, though often brief, attacks of deep sleep.) The term, "Vehicular Narcolepsy", was created by my sister and I, when we were in college and both argued the other should drive on our long road trips from California to Arizona.

It is a gift. A magical gift that she and I both posses.  I equate it to a super power. It might be the equivalent of time travel as far as I’m concerned.

The definition of Vehicular Narcolepsy as we use it is: whenever I am traveling in anything with an engine, I can immediately fall asleep. I have fallen asleep on airplanes, trains, cars, taxis, and even subways. In fact, I try to stay awake on some flights (with the intention of working) and find it extremely difficult. I have fallen asleep mid-conversation, while the plane is reversing from the gate only to wake up upon landing. What did I say? It is a gift.

I bring it up now, because some friends and colleagues of mine have this gift, but don’t have a name for it. So I wanted to share with them. Others want the super power, but lack it, and grimace about those that do have the gift.  I thought they should have a name for it as well, so as to better complain. Feel free to use the phrase, spread it around, but remember it is not a registered diagnosis. Yet. ;)


  1. PERIPATETIC INSOMNIA [ pěr'ə-pə-tět'ĭk ĭn-sŏm'nē-ə ] Chronic inability to fall asleep or remain asleep for an adequate length of time while traveling about.


  2. I love you. I also love our genetic ability to have vehicular narcolepsy. May everyone be so blessed to experience this type of bliss. Sorry JC.

  3. Jon - never!

    Ashley - NO kidding!
