9. At 7:30 am you will see people still dressed from the night before, drinking coronas... even on a Wednesday.
8. The mini bar's top shelf has mini alcohol bottles; the bottom shelf is stuffed with hangover cures: water, orange juice, cranberry juice, Redbull, Gaterade, Advil, Aleeve... whatever you prefer.
7. The is something for everyone: from the uber rich to those who pay $24 a night for a room; from great-grandmas to 4 year olds; and from frat boys and business men.
6. The skies are bluer inside than they are outside.
5. Great food, yet buffets galore.
4. Broadway shows that are as good as NY (sometimes better).
3. That taxi drivers get paid $80 per person that they drop off at a gentlemens club... incentive much?!?
2. And that upon arrival most people look fashionable and put together, but upon departure most people look... well as if they are in pain.
1. Everything that happens in Vegas... stays on You Tube.
haha cute count down... and so true. I really enjoy your blog and I am trying to restrain myself from writing "so true" after every post.